A couple weeks ago, one of my son's friends came to me with a delimma. She needed to pass a PT test for school, but was struggling with the sit-ups. She asked if I'd spend some time with her getting her core stronger. Sure!
We're at the gym, and I ask her to demonstrate the form they're to use for the sit-ups. She also explained the rules - feet can't come up and arms have to touch thighs when you come up. She struggled doing 3 and needs to complete 38 in 1 minute. After a few tries and some additional core exercises, I thought I'd give it a try.
I asked her to sit on my feet and set the timer. I confirmed the rules with her as well. Instead of grabbing my shoulders with my arms crossed like she did, I crossed my arms and rested my hands on my upper arm. I was able to complete 43. We switched spots. She tried the same method. This time, she was able to complete 5 without pulling herself up by grabbing her legs!
Someone may be thinking...well you're probably in better shape than she is. That may be true. But sometimes the issue is our form or the method we're using! You may know how to say a prayer, but what's the positioning of your heart when you seek God in prayer? You may have had the same experience that your friend is venting to you about, but is now the right time to tell her about what you did? Or should you just listen, quietly praying for Godly wisdom in responding?
I'm sure so many things can apply here. My encouragement to you, my sisters, is if you have the tools but can't seem to fix it, try using the tools a different way. It may simply be how you're "holding the screwdriver that's causing the screw to go in sideways". Take a breath. Assess the situation and what you're working with. And don't be afraid to switch it up!
Be blessed,