Wednesday, September 6, 2017

I Got You!

I'm training for a marathon to be run later this year. I have a good friend, my #RunBoo, that I get a few runs in with a few times per week. We have a great time on and off the pavement. One day last week torwards the end of a run, she frantically says, "Sis, give me your hand! Give me your hand! I want to quit!" Yes... we were rolling at a pretty fast pace. I have her my hand and began to encourage her.
When we got to the stopping point, she was weak. Doubled over, spitting up, and all that comes with having the wind knocked out of you when you push it during a run, she ended up on the ground. I let her sit for a few until she said she was dizzy. I was able to get her to her feet and instructed one of the other ladies to squeeze some of my electrolytes in her mouth. She said, "Sis I'm going down." As she began to go down, I held her tighter and said, "Nope. I gotchu." She was dead weight up against me. But I was girded against her, with my feet firmly planted and my arms around her waist.
How many times have we given so much of ourselves until we are just ready to quit? We need someone's hand because we know we can't go another step without that "grip", that "assurance", "them". The Bible encourages us to cast our cares upon God because He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7), and to come to Him for rest... those of us who are weary and heavy laden (Matthew 11:28-30). We can't be afraid to ask for help no matter what!
In your getting weary, reach out for Him. He will hold your hand, carry you through and over, and allow you to finish. He will hold you in the midst of it all, ensuring that you keep standing, despite the fact that you feel weak. His strength IS made perfect in our weakness. When we're weak, He's strong (2 Corinthians 12:8-10)!

Be blessed,