Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Seasons Change

Season comes from the Greek word KAIROS meaning - unique moment in time, a predestined era.  According to Webster, a season is a time characterized by a particular circumstance or feature.  We are presently upon a season that everyone’s familiar with – fall. We know when it’s upon us because we start to see the leaves change color.

When the leaves change color, it’s because certain factors both inside and outside the plant cause the chlorophylls to be replaced at a slower rate than they’re being used up.  There is a sugar-breakdown, and the chemicals and nutrients needed to keep the green color in the leaves moves out of the leaf and into the stem.

While I know this isn't a "science" blog or class, it's important to make an analogy for you between what’s happening in the natural realm and what’s happening in the spiritual realm.  Just like the trees, some of us may be dreading “fall” because we are ill prepared for the transformation/changing of seasons that God’s is instructing to take place in our lives!

Transform: to change in composition or structure; to change the outward form or appearance; to change in character or condition

I’m reminded of Saul/Paul – we’re all familiar with something about this apostle in the Bible. Acts 9 speaks of his conversion/transformation. Paul was a blasphemer of Christ; a persecutor of Christians. His plan to seek out and prosecute Christians in Damascus was a plan of destruction. Christians fled Jerusalem and Judea to Damascus for safety and refuge. Saul had a plan that was tweaked by the almighty God himself!

Paul was sniffed out and snatched up by God to turn around the evil for good. In the same manner, God has to snatch some of us up to get our attention! In order for us to be receptive and fully understand our change, we must understand that the timing is solely in God’s hands!

God oftentimes tests us to see where we are. The tests only come to make us stronger. We are tried in the fire to come out as pure GOLD! In spite of what may come our way, we must do as Paul instructed in 1 Timothy 6:12 – fight the good fight of faith!

In order for God to fully work in and through us, we must align ourselves with His word! God tells us in Isaiah 55:8 that our thoughts are not His thoughts; neither are our ways His ways. Further down in verse 11, it says, ‘my Word will not return to me void, but it shall accomplish that which it was set out to do’.

With that said, I'm ready to embrace fall and all the change that He says is necessary in my life. What about you? I have made a choice already to make some adjustments in my life by the nudging of the Holy Spirit. And while some of those changes weren't easy or didn't feel good to my flesh, I believe they were ALL in His timing and necessary for my divine purpose.

In Him,