Thursday, March 29, 2012

Stop Apologizing for Who You Are

In a conversation with a friend last night, I was reminded that I oftentimes make the statement about me being outspoken, straightforward, and even agressive in some instances. My friend said to me, "Either you really want to change this about yourself OR you don't like this characteristic about yourself. No matter what, I just want you to be yourself. You don't have to apologize for that." I had no words other than, "O-kkkkaaaayyyy", and that was only after a very long pause :)

Each of us have our own flaws, issues, strengths, and weaknesses. We are all unique individuals, fearfully and wonderfully made by God (Psalm 139:13-16). Each of us may have picked up some habits along the way or developed some tendencies because of past experiences. However, it shouldn't stop us from being who we are. Many times, we are concerned about what others think. If they love, value, and appreciate us for US, then they will embrace us...flaws and all :)

To those of you who have a tendency to love hard, keep right on loving hard! Just because one particular person didn't appreciate that piece in you doesn't mean that you should stop loving hard!

To those of you have a tendency to give, keep right on giving! Just because you've been used or taken advantage of in the past doesn't mean that you should stop giving. Pray and ask God for wisdom and discernment in how you're being a blessing to others!

To those of you who have a tendency to tell someone what you want/need, to be outspoken, straightforward, and transparent, keep right on opening your mouth! A closed mouth does not get fed! Take some time to think before you speak, and be sure to put yourself in the other person's "shoes".

If you haven't already done so, look in the mirror and say this:

I am who I am.
I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
God knew me before I was formed in my mother's womb.
I embrace my flaws. I challenge myself to do better in those areas and grow stronger.
I embrace my strengths. I challenge myself to hone these areas even more.
I embrace my weaknesses and pray for direction in how they can be nurtured, overcome, and turned into strengths.
I am who I am.
It's not about who I see.
It is about me being me.

Love and abundant blessings!

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