Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Wilderness Is Part of the Plan

Yes...God has a plan for your life and mine, too! Just like Jeremiah, before He formed us in our mother's womb, He knew us (Jeremiah 1:4-19). More often than not, we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the plan for our life is full of good things - blessings, favor, increase, wealth. But what about seasons of dryness and obstacles?

God’s plan for the people was the desert! If the Israelites were able to go from Egypt directly to Canaan, they would have been some messed up folks! It was in the wilderness that they had to endure, suffer, trust, persevere, and learn some life lessons.

In the natural, when we think about the wilderness or a desert or a dry spot, we think about the humidity, the lack of water and nourishment, and/or just times of struggle. Our focus is on getting what we need so that we can cool off. If we shift our mindset to the spiritual realm, the 'dryness' in our spiritual walk is somewhat the same. We may feel as if we're operating outside of our calling, things aren't coming together in the ministry, or all kinds of chaos is breaking out in our homes/jobs/families. But it is in these times where we must yield and call out to God even the more! We must praise Him right there while it seems as though He's so far away.

The wilderness, though a seemingly dry place, is a necessary place in the process of our transformation. It is a place where we feel like we don't have enough to make it; we want to give up and throw in the towel. And even if we seem to get what we need, it seems as though it's little. In actuality, it's more than enough!

Just as God's plan for His people included the desert, His plan for your life (and mine) will also include trips through dry times! Whew Jesus! No...no one wants to be in a dry place. But in my dry places...my deserts, I'm encouraged to pray for the Holy Spirit to rain down on me and send some fresh manna!

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for the wilderness. I thank You for the times where You push me to lean and depend on you more and more. I pray Your will in my life. Draw me closer to You, so that I realize that every dry place...every wilderness experience is nothing more than an opportunity for me to grow stronger in You. As I shift into my next and my new, I humbly submit to Your will for my life. Have Your way...in Jesus' Name...Amen!

Blessings and abundant favor,

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes a dryspell or wilderness is all that will get through to us. In other words, it may take a 'Damascus Moment'. If you know you're doing all you can to stay within what God wants you begin to look at your dryspell as a time of preparation for something big. All the things you feel you don't have when you're aspiring to be a Child of God fall under two categories: What you're not ready to receive & What you don't need. Trust that He'll reward you with all you want and need.
