Monday, April 30, 2012

Give The Man What He Wants!

In morning worship last Sunday, the Woman of God exhorting talked about absolute surrender. She shared with us how she would sometimes get upset with her husband about different things that he was asking of her. One day in prayer, God said to her "Give the man what he wants!" She said that when she started doing this, so many things began to change in her marriage!

Think about it. When we give our mates what they want, our relationship appears to flourish. Everyone's happy. You're both firing on all pistons. It seems like it's bliss all over again. The same should be true in our relationship with God. There are so many benefits of giving HIM exactly what He wants.

In giving God what He wants, it comes down to being obedient and walking in humility. Deuteronomy 28:1 says, "If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow  all his commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations on earth." The same chapter goes on to tell us that we will be blessed in the city and the field, blessed when we come in and go out. Our children (seed) will be blessed. Our property will be blessed! Our enemies that rise up against us will be defeated before us! Whew glory! These are just a few of the benefits, but there's so much more!!! (Deuteronomy 28:1-14)

While it is so wonderful to be submissive to Godly husbands, honor those who have rule over us in the Lord, and even submit ourselves to authority, it is even MORE wonderful and beneficial to totally humble ourselves before God. Seek His face and inquire of Him. Trust Him to meet our every need. Give HIM exactly what He wants - true worship, a pure, clean heart, a willing vessel! When we make up our minds to give God what He wants, giving the other 'man' what he wants will come natural :)

Be blessed!

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