How many times do you find yourself in a place where you just don't know how you're going to make it? You find yourself wondering if you're making the right decision. You feel like you've heard the voice of the Lord, and you're making every effort to be obedient. And then...for some reason or another, you step out...ON FAITH.
When we read the story about Abraham in Genesis 22, we learn that he was instructed to sacrifice his son, Issac. This was his baby, who was only a teenager. But Abraham being the man of faith he was, was doing what The Father instructed him to do...even if that meant sacrificing his child. The story goes on to tell us that an angel of the Lord spoke to Abraham and told him to NOT put the knife to his child's throat. God knew about and honored his faithfulness. And just then...Abraham noticed a ram caught by his horns in a bush!!!!
You may be in this same place as Abraham. You're just obeying God. OR...You may be at your wits end because you're not sure if it's God or if it's you telling you to do something! I want to encourage you to step out on faith and obey God because He always has a ram in the bush! And guess what? You don't have to go looking for that ram because it will be provided for you!!!
Isaiah 1:19 tells us that "if we be willing and obedient, we will eat the good of the land". This is where I want to be. What about you? I want to eat the good of the land, so I must...we must make every effort to follow God and obey Him.'s a lot easier said than done; but it is very necessary.
In my church bulletin one Sunday, I read this about "faith": Faith means - Forsaking All I Trust Him. So, let's step out on faith, believe and trust God, knowing that He truly is Jehovah Jireh...our provider...the One that puts that 'ram' in the bush!
In Him,
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