Sunday, April 8, 2012

You Are What You Eat

I know we've all heard this saying and believe that it's a bit cliche'. But in actuality, it's not. Think about it - what you put in (your mind, body, soul, and spirit) is what you're going to put/get out! Garbage in = garbage out!

This goes so far beyond eating food. True enough, if you eat a lot of junk food, drink a lot of sodas, eat little to no vegetables, and never exercise, you will see the ill effects on your body (e.g., weight gain, diabetes). If you consistently eat a well-balanced diet, exercise regularly, drink lots of water, and LIVE, you will see that you not only look better, but you feel better, too!

I've started exercising and paying closer attention to what I put in my body. I've also started watching what I FEED my spirit and my flesh. Uh oh! LOL! One of my BFFs, who is also my personal trainer, pushes me like you could not imagine! No worries...I have common sense :) But the thing about it is, I feel so much better - inside and out - since I started exercising regularly. I couldn't see the affects at first; but now I do :)

To go along with the exercise, another BFF and I fasted in the month of February. After going a whole month with no fried foods, desserts, or sodas, I thought I'd just stick with it. I did have some ice cream today! YUMMY! I make sure I drink plenty of water, and I REST! I notice a change in my disposition, my attitude, and just overall well-being. I'm not as sluggish as I used to be!

Just like with diet and exercise, we have to be careful what we feed our minds and spirits. If we watch a lot of negativity on TV and/or participate in negativity, it's going to start resonating in our spirits. Then, we will become negative.'s that simple! The same holds true for relationships, friendships, bonds, connections. Who/what are you connected to? Because the more you are connected to that/them/it, the more you will see the characteristics come out of you. are what you eat! So, try to make some adjustments and "eat" some good stuff - naturally and spiritually!


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