Sunday, September 30, 2012

Don't Just Lay There...Get Back Up!

A few weeks ago, I was running down a main street in town. It was 6:00am, and I had my worship music going enjoying myself and the weather. On my way back to the house, I hit a particular spot on the sidewalk and fell. I rolled over into the grass over to the side, rolled over some kinda way, and got up immediately. Now mind you, I had just run this same way at the beginning of the run. This time, though, I tripped and fell! LOL!

There are going to be times in life when we encounter certain situations again. We're going to get in that same spot again, go through the same thing again, or even deal with those same people again. Whereas we were able to successfully bypass them or get through it before, this second time...we may actually hit an obstacle that may cause us to trip. However, the lesson to be learned is to not just lay there...get back up and get moving!

Each time, there is a different lesson to be learned. Will you embrace lesson or be discouraged for the mere fact that you fell? Proverbs 24:16-18 says that a just man falls seven times and gets back up again. For those that may even try to trip you up, guess what? As a child of God, you won't stay there long! You're going to dust yourself off, get up, (probably laugh at them and/or yourself), and keep moving forward.

I got back up. I will keep getting back up. And so can you.


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