Thursday, November 19, 2015

Lay Aside Every Weight…Not So Fast!

As a runner, I have long runs and short runs as part of my training. I had a long run planned for this past Saturday, and I awakened to a temperature in the low 30s. I got dressed and put on my warm pants, and I also had a 16.9 oz bottle of water, my “protection”, cell phone, and fuel goodies in the pockets. The course was unfamiliar to us. We noticed there were several inclines…and even rolling hills. While running the route, I felt weighted down with all the “stuff” I was carrying. I felt like it was slowing me down at one point. I said to myself that I wished I would have left things in the car because they were heavy and causing me to slow down.

 I continued to move. I had a 10-mile run on deck. During the run, I heard the scripture so clearly, “Lay aside every weight and run the race…” (Hebrews 12:1-2). But just as I heard that, the Lord spoke to me and made my “weight” clear to me:

Your “protection” is for your safety.
Your water is to keep you hydrated.
Your phone is in case of emergency.
Your goodies are your sustenance.

When I shifted my focus from my “stuff” to my “purpose”, I began to pick up the pace. I knew that everything I had ON me was good FOR me! Some weight is necessary – to build you up, to protect you, to sustain you, to make you stronger, to KEEP you!

I encourage you to pray for discernment about the weight you’re carrying during this “race” called life. Lay aside frustration, negativity, worry, depression, idle chatter – those things will keep you from moving forward and crossing the finish line. Carry that right weight knowing that He’s with you every step of the way. It may be a struggle at first, but in the end, you will be bigger, better, faster, and stronger…on, with, and for purpose!

Be blessed!

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