Monday, January 8, 2018

It Starts in the Mind

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. - Romans 12:2 (KJV)

We've all heard the phrase, "A mind is a terrible thing to waste" (Arthur Fletcher). We've heard it and maybe even internalized it. But many of us are still wasting away our minds. We can't make necessary changes in our lives because of the state of our minds. There are things that we want to do, but we simply do not put forth the effort to do them because of what's in our minds. And more often than not, what's in and on our minds is not us; it's someone else. We are concerned about what they will think, what they will say, how they will respond, if they will support or turn away, and the list goes on. 

Most of our time and energies are spent on making the actual plans instead of executing them. Our plans are well thought, and we even know that God is IN them. We have the faith to execute them. But a plan without action is simply just a plan. Faith without works is dead (James 2:14-26). 

Our thoughts can sometimes push us out of a blessing and a breakthrough. We spend time thinking about frivolous things that end up causing up frustration, worry, mischief, and the list goes on. Paul tells us in Philippians 4:8 to think on things that are honest, just, pure, praiseworthy, of good report, and true. That should drive our hearts and will to move in the direction of God and the things of God.

This week, let's put our prayer focus on our minds. Read, meditate, pray, and even journal on one scripture a day. In your journal, write out the actual scripture, write what you understand of it, and write how you want to God to give that Scripture life in your life. Let's see how God moves when we make up our minds that it's time for a transformation in our lives. It's a process, but we have to know that the change starts in our minds.

Romans 12:2 (above)

Dear God, we thank You for minds to seek You. As we go through this week focusing on cleansing our minds, we ask that You remove anything that is not like You. Draw us closer to Your Word and grant us understanding. Let Your Word give us life and breathe new life into our minds. We desire a change in our thinking. We desire to let go of thoughts that hold us bound...stuck. To go forward in this thing called life, we know that we need an infilling of You. Speak to us. We're ready. We're hungry. We're desperate. Have Your way in this journey. Open our minds to receive from You. In Jesus' Name...amen.

Be blessed,


  1. Speaking dirextly into my own situation right now. Thank you! MJB- we run this!

    1. Let's get our minds on track, @MoniJ1102! We got this!
