Monday, April 30, 2012

Give The Man What He Wants!

In morning worship last Sunday, the Woman of God exhorting talked about absolute surrender. She shared with us how she would sometimes get upset with her husband about different things that he was asking of her. One day in prayer, God said to her "Give the man what he wants!" She said that when she started doing this, so many things began to change in her marriage!

Think about it. When we give our mates what they want, our relationship appears to flourish. Everyone's happy. You're both firing on all pistons. It seems like it's bliss all over again. The same should be true in our relationship with God. There are so many benefits of giving HIM exactly what He wants.

In giving God what He wants, it comes down to being obedient and walking in humility. Deuteronomy 28:1 says, "If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow  all his commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations on earth." The same chapter goes on to tell us that we will be blessed in the city and the field, blessed when we come in and go out. Our children (seed) will be blessed. Our property will be blessed! Our enemies that rise up against us will be defeated before us! Whew glory! These are just a few of the benefits, but there's so much more!!! (Deuteronomy 28:1-14)

While it is so wonderful to be submissive to Godly husbands, honor those who have rule over us in the Lord, and even submit ourselves to authority, it is even MORE wonderful and beneficial to totally humble ourselves before God. Seek His face and inquire of Him. Trust Him to meet our every need. Give HIM exactly what He wants - true worship, a pure, clean heart, a willing vessel! When we make up our minds to give God what He wants, giving the other 'man' what he wants will come natural :)

Be blessed!

Monday, April 23, 2012

From Me...To You!

So I'm sitting here with a friend watching the news. It was the story about a tornado hitting Joplin, MO and destroying several buildings last year, including the local high school. One lady being interviewed made such a powerful statement: "The more you help others, the faster you heal."

Think about that for just a moment. Have you ever found yourself going through something, and you were seemingly put in a position or positions to help someone else? I've actually been there several times! I had received some horrible news a few years ago...a personal situation in my family. And it seems that shortly after receiving that news, I was called on to minister at a women's conference. And even in my continuous going through, my GIFTS continue to make room for me, and I've seen healing AND deliverance take place in my life....QUICKLY!!!

No matter what situation I'm in, God seems to impress it upon me to be of help to someone else. It may not always be in a tangible way; it may be a hug or a phone call or even just a smile. So I wanted to take a quick moment to post this -

While you're going through or dealing with something, don't be so closed in. And don't even for a moment think that it's just you. Or you've got it so bad! You never know when you're entertaining angels unaware. You never know if you're properly positioned to help someone else get THEIR breakthrough! I'm not sharing what someone has told me; I'm sharing what I know for myself! God truly does have a sense of humor! I've watched myself go through something only to have someone else be placed in my life for me to minister to them about it...that VERY SAME THING!

Go through...hold on...your healing will come quicker when you take a moment to take the focus off of you and place it on someone else - even if it's just for a moment. Try it for yourself.

Be blessed and encouraged,

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A Ram in the Bush

How many times do you find yourself in a place where you just don't know how you're going to make it? You find yourself wondering if you're making the right decision. You feel like you've heard the voice of the Lord, and you're making every effort to be obedient. And then...for some reason or another, you step out...ON FAITH.

When we read the story about Abraham in Genesis 22, we learn that he was instructed to sacrifice his son, Issac. This was his baby, who was only a teenager. But Abraham being the man of faith he was, was doing what The Father instructed him to do...even if that meant sacrificing his child. The story goes on to tell us that an angel of the Lord spoke to Abraham and told him to NOT put the knife to his child's throat. God knew about and honored his faithfulness. And just then...Abraham noticed a ram caught by his horns in a bush!!!!

You may be in this same place as Abraham. You're just obeying God. OR...You may be at your wits end because you're not sure if it's God or if it's you telling you to do something! I want to encourage you to step out on faith and obey God because He always has a ram in the bush! And guess what? You don't have to go looking for that ram because it will be provided for you!!!

Isaiah 1:19 tells us that "if we be willing and obedient, we will eat the good of the land". This is where I want to be. What about you? I want to eat the good of the land, so I must...we must make every effort to follow God and obey Him.'s a lot easier said than done; but it is very necessary.

In my church bulletin one Sunday, I read this about "faith": Faith means - Forsaking All I Trust Him. So, let's step out on faith, believe and trust God, knowing that He truly is Jehovah Jireh...our provider...the One that puts that 'ram' in the bush!

In Him,

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Watch Your Mouth!

I know that I've said this to people before, especially if they were saying something that was seemingly out of the way to me! LOL! And many of you probably have, too! The Bible tells us that the power of life and death is in the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). But we don't oftentimes hear the rest of that verse. It reads like this in the New Living Translation version:

The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.

I loved to talk as a kid, and I still LOVE to talk now. However, the Holy Spirit has taught me to bridle my tongue at times and speak wisely. Too many times, we talk and don't listen. We open our mouths and say things without thinking. And once you put those words out there, don't you realize you can't take them back? The uplifting or damage has already been done.

Sometimes, you may hear someone say, "Oh don't say that you're sick. You're speaking it into existence." And your natural response may be, "But I am sick. I have the flu." Let's stop right there. You're opening your mouth and speaking 'flu' to your mind, which will in turn, affect your body. Our bodies respond to what our minds are thinking. (I know...that's heavy) Even if you have been diagnosed with the flu, you don't have to CLAIM the flu! Amen?

I want to encourage you to try this. Start watching your mouth. I mean...really make a conscious effort to watch what you say. You can kill a person spiritually or naturally with the words you say. Now that's real talk! Open your mouth and declare the Word over your life and the lives of your children and children's children, your loved ones, even your co-workers who get on your nerves. A good place to start is Deuteronomy 28:2-13! There are so many promises there. If for some reason something is ailing your body, decree and declare Isaiah 53:5 or Jeremiah 30:17, speaking and commanding your healing to come forth!

These are just a few examples to get you started! I'm encouraged just as I'm typing :) I know that there is power in my tongue. I'm going to choose to speak life...even over those situations that appear to be dead. Okay....that's another post!

Be encouraged!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

You Are What You Eat

I know we've all heard this saying and believe that it's a bit cliche'. But in actuality, it's not. Think about it - what you put in (your mind, body, soul, and spirit) is what you're going to put/get out! Garbage in = garbage out!

This goes so far beyond eating food. True enough, if you eat a lot of junk food, drink a lot of sodas, eat little to no vegetables, and never exercise, you will see the ill effects on your body (e.g., weight gain, diabetes). If you consistently eat a well-balanced diet, exercise regularly, drink lots of water, and LIVE, you will see that you not only look better, but you feel better, too!

I've started exercising and paying closer attention to what I put in my body. I've also started watching what I FEED my spirit and my flesh. Uh oh! LOL! One of my BFFs, who is also my personal trainer, pushes me like you could not imagine! No worries...I have common sense :) But the thing about it is, I feel so much better - inside and out - since I started exercising regularly. I couldn't see the affects at first; but now I do :)

To go along with the exercise, another BFF and I fasted in the month of February. After going a whole month with no fried foods, desserts, or sodas, I thought I'd just stick with it. I did have some ice cream today! YUMMY! I make sure I drink plenty of water, and I REST! I notice a change in my disposition, my attitude, and just overall well-being. I'm not as sluggish as I used to be!

Just like with diet and exercise, we have to be careful what we feed our minds and spirits. If we watch a lot of negativity on TV and/or participate in negativity, it's going to start resonating in our spirits. Then, we will become negative.'s that simple! The same holds true for relationships, friendships, bonds, connections. Who/what are you connected to? Because the more you are connected to that/them/it, the more you will see the characteristics come out of you. are what you eat! So, try to make some adjustments and "eat" some good stuff - naturally and spiritually!


Friday, April 6, 2012

Because He Lives...

This weekend, we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour! It seems, I've been humming this little tune all week -

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.
Because He lives, all fear is gone.
Because I know He holds the future.
And life is worth the living just because He lives!

I remember singing this song at church growing up. It seemed that my Madea and the other older 'saints' would just wear it out! LOL! I'm grateful that I've come to know and understand what these lyrics really mean. We have promises because HE lives!

I’m sure there are times in our lives where we don’t want to face tomorrow. We don’t know what the next day or even the next minute is going to hold for us. But the Bible assures us in Hebrews 13:8 that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And if Jesus is alive, that means He hasn't changed in two thousand years. That means the same Jesus who went about healing and teaching and preaching and ministering, the Jesus that opened blind eyes, the Jesus that raised the dead and the Jesus that touched the lepers and the Jesus who told the wind and the seas to cease..yeah alive and operating in our lives/on our behalf! Because He LIVES…I know that I receive what is to come. I can face tomorrow.

The next promise says that all fear is gone. The Bible actually talks about 2 types of fear. The first type is fear of the Lord; it’s beneficial and is to be encouraged. Fear of the Lord brings with it many blessings and benefits. Proverbs 14:26 states, “In the fear of the LORD [is] strong confidence: and his children shall have a place of refuge.” In this verse, we see that fear of the Lord provides life, security for our children, protection from evil, confidence, and satisfaction.

The second type is a detriment and is to be not only discouraged, but overcome. This is the “spirit of fear” mentioned in 2 Timothy 1:7 where it says, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” Thus, we see right from the beginning that this “spirit of fear” does not come from God.

God tells us not to be afraid of being alone, not to be afraid of being too weak, not to be afraid of not being heard, and not to be afraid for our physical necessities. Because He LIVES…the detrimental fear is gone.

Another promise in this tune reminds us who holds our future. It doesn't matter what your present looks like, if you know He holds the future. You can make it through dark times, if you know the daylight is going to dawn. You can go through a lot of deep waters if you know you are not going to drown. And that is what we have as Christians, we don't fight for victory, we fight from victory! Hallelujah! Jesus has won the victory for us; we know how it is all going to turn out, no matter how bleak it may look at the present time. Though those traveling with Paul chose to venture on in Acts 27 despite Paul's instructions, Paul knew who was on their side. They thought their lives were over as a result of the shipwreck, but God!!!!!

I really like this last is worth living JUST BECAUSE He lives!!! Whew glory! Someone may be thinking - "I know my life is worth living. No one has to tell me that." Well, everyone hasn't always been in that 'place'. If we take a moment to take our spiritual "coat" off, I'm sure many of us have been there - things were so difficult 'til we didn't think life was worth living. We've had our Elijah moment (1 Kings 19:1-4) when you said, "Lord I can't take it any more," "Lord the pressure is too great, the problems are too many," "God I want out, just get me out of this mess I am in, if you have to take my life, Lord, then take my life, it is enough."

You see there are some people who have the mistaken idea that if you are a Christian, it will exempt you from discouragement and depression. But no…the Bible says we are going to suffer. Philippians 1:29, KJV, that it is “given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake.”

I want to leave you with this - I’m so glad that He got up. He didn’t just get up, but He got up with all power in His hands. Power over the enemy, power over death, power over calamity. I know in His resurrection that nothing is too hard for God. He does not sleep nor slumber. He knows me in my most inner parts. That’s the kinda God I serve – we serve. So know today that because He lives, we have hope…because He lives, we can face another day…because He lives, we have no need to fear…because He lives…life IS worth living.

Be blessed today and always,

Sunday, April 1, 2012

What To Do When You Don't Know What To Do

How often do you find yourself in this place...where you just don't know what to do? You don't know which way to turn. You don't know who to talk to. You don't know who to trust. You don't know whether to speak up or be quiet. You just don't know.

There are times when I find myself here...not knowing what to do. I'm actually having one of these moments as I type! It's not that something is "wrong" per se; it's just that so much of life is happening for me, those near and dear to my heart, and just others that I know.

It is in this place where I must yield my EVERYTHING to Him in prayer - my will, my emotions, my thoughts, my actions, my desires, my feelings...ME! So as I encourage myself, I encourage you with the following passages:

John 14:1 - Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

Proverbs 3:5-6 - Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Matthew 11:28-30 - “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

2 Chronicles 20:15 - Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God's.

Ephesians 6:10-12 - Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.

No matter what comes our way, let's be determined to STAND. Even when we don't know what to do, we have a Heavenly Father who does! He sees all and knows all. Let's amp up our faith and trust in Him and watch Him work!
